Sunday, 26 July 2009

pondering.. 'tis a mystery..

i'm not actually sure if this post is going to turn out as a complete moan or utterly depressing, or somehow get twisted into something witty and amusing and light hearted. at the moment it's not looking too promising to be fair. i have one hell of a headache, i don't have the energy to get up and hunt for wherever i've lobbed my precious nurofen, i'm confused as a fruit salad, and i've temporarily gone off coffee ):
methinks 'tis bad and i should see a doctor, and be sent away with a note saying i should start on alcohol instead. little do they know that i already have a minor addiction to pear cider. there is a reason for this and it's not to help me through stress or failed relationships. it's merely because it tastes nice. is it such a crime ? i darnwell hope not. i mean nowadays you can hardly say anything without being pounced on by someone overly politically correct. it takes the piss to be blunt.

i think someone should inform the pathetically politically correct that politics is full of pillocks and it utterly pathetic, not to mention entirely useless. just look at the state our country's in ! failing that, Gordon Brown's face.. although i'd rather not. it's an horrific sight at the best of times to be frank. i think i could do well in politics, i know how to lie convincingly, i look terrible in the morning, i can argue until i'm blue in the face, and i actually have logic where most politicians fail epicly.

hmm, i'm actually feeling slightly more happy.. my emotions suck ! one minute i'm depressed as a corpse on a spike, then i'm happy as a cat that got it's bottom sniffed. although i'm fairly happy because i think, finally, the photo i've been trying to upload onto another blog for the past few days, has FINALLY uploaded ! i think we look hot in the photo (': good times...

mmm, my piercing looks hot.. i wasn't overly sure if it would look alright to be honest, but when i put up my hair earlier you can see it and it does look fairly good i reckon (': i think i made a good decision getting it done actually :D and i'm watching psychoville again.. s'bad.. i think i'm getting a tad addicted. i even wrote a blog about my 5 main addictions. dear lord, my life has come down to writing about my addictions. ARGH !! mmm, lady grey teaaa (: s'making me feel better. but no nurofen for once.. although that could change in a minute :\ gah.

right, i'm going to see if any other photos are willing to be uploaded onto other blogs, i want to make them look hot.. the blogs that is, not actually the photos, they can speak for themselves. obviously. i don't know HOW i'd make a photo look hot to be fair.. maybe there's a manual for doing it.. hmm.

(': thank you all


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