Tuesday, 11 August 2009

Reginald and Archibold

There is a perfectly plausable reason why I haven't been blogging like a caffine feuled hamster lately. That reason can only be understood by people who understand the extent of the love me and Archi have for eachother.
Basically she abandoned me for a week and left me to the disaster of Hinckley and the ameoba. Although it DID mean that my room looks worryingly, yet at the same time pleasantly tidy ! It's take me roughly 14 years to get it to the state it is today. I've abused it ever since the age of 2 when I started to totter on my podgy legs. Arwh. Cute image ? Crazy hair, crazy looking toddler in SCARY clothes. The fashion of the 90s for toddlers was evil, it really was. In fact I found a few photos of me and my brother when we were younger. My brother actually looks adorable, opposed to the Jesus/hippy look he sports nowadays. Ah well, he's 150 miles away at uni ^.^

Back to Archibold. SHE RETURNED TO MY BOSSOM ON SUNDAY !!! xD My lord I was happy, (': t'was tears of joy when I saw her. I could have even hugged her ! But sadly I had a toothbrush in my mouth and didn't really fancy getting stabbed in the throat. GAH !
We had an epic day of trundling about Hinckley, letting the tards know that the queen tard and brothel owner had arrived back on the retard scene. T'was immense. Melon played a main role in the arrival thing.. And then hilarious videos followed in Hollycroft park. An area of Hinckley that will no longer be free from me and Dais, we found it rather pleasant and intriguing with the band playing show tunes. Fun stuff ! Nowhere is safe I tell you. We stormed London a few weeks back and I think they're still recovering xD at least I am, I kept tripping up (':

I'm also seeing her tomorrow (': I just hope that my front door wants to like me and let me lock it. We spent about 10 minutes trying to lock the flaming thing on Sunday. T'was not good at all.

My internet's been playing up a heck of alot as well, hence the lack of posts, bit hard to type on when every 5 minutes Tiscali likes to turn our internet off. SADISTS. Ahem. Yoga's been taking over my life.. Ish. I've discovered that it's rather nice to do it outside, inside it feels a tad.. resticted. It also means I get a tad sunburnt, if on occassion, it's fairly sunny. Sensitive skinn (N). Although I do go a nice brown the next day ;D
And the main reason I haven't really blogged much, is due to a severe lack of inspiration. But now I'm pretty much brimming with the stuff ! :D I have the return of Dais, a really crap internet, moseys round town with Archi, my hate of technology, obsession with Facebook and a fear of Turkish stalkers.

The hate of technology is because when I took a few videos of me and Daisy in Hollycroft, when I put them on my laptop they got rotated to the wrong angle. So from about 9pm last night till 3am, then from when I woke up this morning for a few hours, I have been trying to find a programme to successfully rotate them WITHOUT having them sped up to 8 times the normal speed. Tricky.
Annnddd I have a Turkish stalker type thing. I'm not quite sure how I've aquired him to be honest. There I was happily chatting to Tom and uploading videos and sorting photos out on Facebook, then up he pops. Now he wants to see another photo of me.. Although apparently English guys are blind and stupid xD I like the fact he thinks I'm pretty. How shallow. BLEH ! But despite that, it really is an irritation, in fact Cameron McD-B advised I tell him to eff off in Turkish xD tempting.. Very tempting ;D

Things are all good with Joshua the raving lesbian though, although his girlfriend's gone away and he's kinda moochy, poor thing ): Cameron McD-B's also feeling alot better which is gooood :D andd Sebastian's been talking to me again. Is it bad that it makes me stupidly happy ? :\
Gah I like it (':

I'm really into Go:Audio at the minute, ALOT. Not only are they buff, their music is pretty decent. Not only is it rock and indie, it's good for manically dancing like a fool to. And yoga :S although that MIGHT just be me.. Oh well (':
God, I can't believe this holiday's almost over ! It's odd really. 6th form's going to be so different, so many people aren't going to be there, especially my darling Archibold.. Stefaniak's going to miss her as well, I can tell how she sees me next to Jake and just thinks, "that should be Daisy taking the piss out of my hair with Rozz.." Hahaaaa, she's going to come to hate me over these 2 years ;D

Ohh dear, I'd better dash, I have to be up at like 9am tomorrow :| WHY DID I SAY 11 WAS OKAY ?!?!
My bad.



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