Friday, 12 June 2009

hmm. odd.

well well well.
i guess this can hardly be classed as an insomniatic scribbling, as it is being typed at ten past 11 at night, but merh, who's really counting ? (:

today has been slightly obscure in all honesty..
had a lovely lie in, yet was plighted with dreams of..
no, the dream of my ex in a dress for school uniform was some time ago
i still need councelling for that dream actually, i was rather worried.

but yes, my lie in was littered with snatchets of dreams of me running round highcross being chased by a guy in a pinny. not quite sure just why he was wearing the pinny, i have a feeling he was in fact a transvestite, failing that, he had finally giving up on finding any woman that could bear to be with him for long enough, so he had finally gone back to the other side.
even i feel that this is highly obscure and my mind should be subject of medical science.
but what can you do eh ?!

and oh dear lord.
here we go againn, the mishaps that occur if you leave a picture of yourself and an ex boyfriend on facebook, just come back to bite you in the arse :|
i mean, i can't help the fact that i think i look okay in the picture..
it's purely vanity ! like i care what some scooter - obsessed noob is gonna think !!
seriously, i swear he has formed a sexual relationship with his vespa.
of name i cannot mention as i fear he may read this and kill me.


i have also realised that many of my previous posts in my other blog have been incredibly rant - like
so in my new, outlook on things, if you like, i am now attempting to moan less,
mainly because if i want to moan, hell, i have people that can reply and call me a posh tart instead :D
it works for meeeee.

i got called a posh b*stard the other day actually.
because i have a wide range of vocabulary and have incredibly well developed argumentative skills.
i mean seriously, if you're planning to start an argument, start it with someone who will give you a good one, yet will lose entirely. the bloke in question obviously forgot that last time he started a rather pointless yet adrenaline feuled argument with me, he lost miserably.
i proceeded to repeat the fabulous win and he got quite upset.
poor mite.

should i feel bad for pointing out it was in fact he that was stupid, as he was utterly incapable of continuing on the same point as he knew he had no argument, and that by telling me to f*ck off because i was being too technical meant i was the stupid one.. ?
i don't think so (:

i feel i have a right to be utterly smug at the fact that i could make an amazing politician.
although i'm not totally sure if that's something to be proud of..

